This is how the gypsum waste should look:
and this is how it should not:
The recyclable gypsum waste should be dry and free from extraneous material, such as:
- ferrous and nonferrous metals
- building rubbish
- bonded-wood-wool board
- Styrofoam
- insulation material
- plastics
- plasterboards*
- gas/porous concrete*
- or other extraneous materials.
*Acceptance of homogeneous plasterboards as well as gas and porous concrete is possible. Gypsum-containing waste from construction and demolition should come only from uncontaminated residential, office or other dedicated uses.
Separate agreements need to be concluded if the share of extraneous materials is above 5 %.
The following materials are generally not accepted:
- Waste materials contaminated with asbestos
- Waste from fires
- Biological agents in the sense of risk groups 3 and 4 of the German Ordinance on Health and Safety for Activities involving Biological Agents (Biostoffverordnung – BioStoffV).
The acceptance limits follow the specifications of the Federal Association of the German Gypsum Industry (Bundesverband der Gipsindustrie e.V.).